Friday, November 15, 2013

A Small Study on a 40-Point Proclamation in a Christmas Study on Limited Atonement

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.”  (Matthew 1:21 KJV).

  1. The mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is from the Virgin Mary.

  1. We profess the Virgin Birth of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ.

  1. Jesus was the first-born Son of the Virgin Mary.

  1. Jesus means to save and He literally saves His people from their sins.

  1. The people He saves is particular and specific; that is, He saves a particular group of people.

  1. Jesus dies in behalf of His people or His bride.

  1. The work of Jesus on the Cross actually accomplishes redemption.

  1. The power of Jesus is not limited to save.

  1. It is the extent of Jesus’ Cross that is limited to save.

  1. Limited atonement defines an important part of the Gospel.

  1. It means that Jesus died for a limited amount of people.

  1. He did not redeem all peoples but He redeemed some people.

  1. The power of His death could have saved all people if He wanted it to.

  1. He blood has the power to save endless worlds.

  1. The intention of the Cross is meant for the elect only.

  1. The intention of the Cross is not a mere possibility but an actuality to save.

  1. The scope of the intention of the Cross is limited to all the believing ones.

  1. Like the sacrifice of lambs in the Old Testament, Jesus died for some people.

  1. The death of Jesus took away sin but imputed unified righteousness to those who place their trust in Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

  1. Christ accomplished redemption on the Cross but people cannot save themselves.

  1. Jesus died for all kinds of men from every tribe, tongue, people and nation.

  1. Jesus did not die for Judas or Pharaoh but He did die for Peter and James.

  1. Jesus gave His life for those who place their trust in Him by His Spirit.

  1. All the ones who believe He imputes His righteousness unto them.

  1. “All the sins of some men” is the proper position.

  1. Jesus did His saving on the Cross and this was His sacrifice.

  1. The atonement is not a hypothetical atonement but an actual atonement.

  1. Hypothetical atonement is salvation for no one, because no one can save themselves.

  1. John 6:37-40 teach limited atonement because He loses none that are His.

  1. According to Matthew 1:21 He saves a particular people.

  1. According to John 10:15 Jesus knows who His sheep are and He lays down His life for them.

  1. According to John 15:13 He lays down His life for His own friends.

  1. According to Acts 20:28 He purchased His own with His own blood.

  1. Ephesians 5:25 teaches that God the Son gave Himself for His people.

  1. Limited atonement is also known as definite atonement or particular redemption.

  1. The work of the Cross was a substitutionary work of redemption.

  1. The work of the Cross saves a particular people of sinners.  He was born to die and give His life a ransom for many.  The resurrection of Christ is the guarantee that His birth, life, and death are from God. 

  1. The birth of Christ is the guarantee that Christ would die on a Cross for His people.

  1. The hour of Christ was His atonement for His sheep.

  1. Christmas also involves the life and work of Christ, because His birth begins all things of Christ our God and Savior.